A garden grows in Brooklyn

We  are among the few privileged New Yorkers who have our own private backyard. Private as in access (no one else uses our backyard), not private in the sense that nobody can see us, because we certainly have plenty of window eyes all around!

Last year we moved into our place in July and I was so busy with getting the house settled that by the time I had time to think about the garden it was pretty much fall. So when this spring rolled around, I was determined to make our backyard pretty.

Down here you can see the space I’m working with, and in that picture things were just starting to grow.

And this is the other side. All up it’s probably about 45 square meters of backyard and thankfully that’s not all garden. :-)

I love the ivy that grows over the fences and back wall — it just adds such a nice amount of green to it all.

So now I’ve got some flowers planted,

some tomatoes doing their thing,

the few veggies are starting to look like a garden,

I have glorious amounts of basil and parsley in my garden,

And I have pretty zinnias in pots.

What more can a city girl ask for?!

8 thoughts on “A garden grows in Brooklyn

  1. Wow, a garden in the city! Wish I could be there for some tasty dish you might be making with basil! Speaking of basil, tonight I had delicious pizza with spinach and pesto. In the middle of the restaurant table were little pots of basil and rosemary!

  2. I am really enjoying your blog, Franci. Thank you for taking the time to take all your photos and prepare these wonderful posts! It is so good to come home and read them after a busy day at work. They have become quite a highlight – when there is a notification in my inbox it is the first thing I turn to. I hope your garden bears much fruit (and many vegetables!)
    Love to you all, Phillipa

    • I agree with Phillipa – it’s great reading for feeding times in the night. Pity you can’t supply a new blog every time I get up! :-)
      Beautiful garden, Franci. Well done!

      • Haha lol. :-) shame we can’t just have a mother radar for when other mothers are awake feeding so we can have a chat or call. Sadfully, I am still up during the night too but not as often as you I am sure.
        Just a comment to keep you going Elrike. And I agree too. Really enjoy reading the blogs. The garden looks great. I don’t think it would matter what the size of your garden Franci, you would always make it look great. Getting daffodils in your garden here.
        Love Miriam

  3. Haha lol. :-) shame we can’t just have a mother radar for when other mothers are awake feeding so we can have a chat or call. Sadfully, I am still up during the night too but not as often as you I am sure. Just a comment to keep you going Elrike.
    And I agree too. Really enjoy reading the blogs. The garden looks great. I don’t think it would matter what the size of your garden Franci, you would always make it look great. Getting daffodils in your garden here.
    Love Miriam

  4. I should have planted all my veggies at your place. My container gardens are yet again proving impossible to keep watered and the veggies aren’t doing so well

    • Oh stink, sorry to hear that! I’m not convinced my garden will produce much, but at least it sort of looks pretty!

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